Even though social media has been used for business for years now, many businesses still aren’t quite sure how to properly leverage it. It often goes back to their beginnings in social media. There was lots of pressure to get involved so business owners jumped in and figured that they’d “learn as they go” and many are still learning and figuring things out. When it comes to social media you don’t want to waste your time making mistakes, which is why it’s important to have a strategy from the get-go. Think about it, you wouldn’t participate in a trade show without preparing beforehand, right? Social media marketing, like any other form of marketing, reflects back on your brand. If your brand seems clueless in social media, it may just look clueless, period.
Here are important items to consider when implementing a social media strategy:
Who is responsible
A good social media strategy integrates all facets of a business, since people want to hear from more than the marketing department. However, it’s best to have one person or one team that is ultimately responsible for managing social media. In a small business, it could be the owner. A medium sized business may delegate the responsibility to a Marketing Manager and a large business may require a social media team.
Which networks to use
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+. Those are the big ones, but there are plenty more. It’s important to be aware of the time that you have to dedicate to social media. If you operate a small to medium sized business you may not have the resources to have an active presence on every site. If that’s the case, it’s better to choose a few sites rather than spread yourself too thin. In addition to the “Big 4”, there may be niche social networks that would be beneficial.
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+. Those are the big ones, but there are plenty more. It’s important to be aware of the time that you have to dedicate to social media. If you operate a small to medium sized business you may not have the resources to have an active presence on every site. If that’s the case, it’s better to choose a few sites rather than spread yourself too thin. In addition to the “Big 4”, there may be niche social networks that would be beneficial.
Many businesses make the mistake of thinking that they need to do everything that their competitors do in social media. Not true. If everyone is doing the same thing, you won’t stand out. Look at their strategy in order to find new opportunities.
Who your target is
Your target audience in social media isn’t “everyone”. Who do you want to engage with? Potential customers or clients? Others in the industry? Professionals in related industries? All of the above?
Your target audience in social media isn’t “everyone”. Who do you want to engage with? Potential customers or clients? Others in the industry? Professionals in related industries? All of the above?
Types of content that will be shared
Once you decide on your target audience that will help you determine what kind of content you will share in social media. Social media content can be a combination of promotional, informational, and conversational. The key is to remember that social media is about being social. Don’t use it as simply another one-way medium to advertise.
Once you decide on your target audience that will help you determine what kind of content you will share in social media. Social media content can be a combination of promotional, informational, and conversational. The key is to remember that social media is about being social. Don’t use it as simply another one-way medium to advertise.
Frequency of posts
This varies depending on many business factors. Are you creating lots of great informational content? If so, it makes sense to share this content in social media every day. It’s important to find the balance. You need to post enough to be noticed, but not too much to be considered annoying. It can take some time to find the right mix that is appropriate to the needs of your followers.
This varies depending on many business factors. Are you creating lots of great informational content? If so, it makes sense to share this content in social media every day. It’s important to find the balance. You need to post enough to be noticed, but not too much to be considered annoying. It can take some time to find the right mix that is appropriate to the needs of your followers.
Source: http://www.brickmarketing.com/blog/social-strategy-items.htm